WordPress Theme Selection & Customization

Course Name

WordPress Theme Selection & Customization

Contact Hours: 24 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

This course covers four of the most popular commercial theme families on the web (StudioPress, WooThemes, ElegantThemes, and Thesis), as well as sales-letter theme OptimizePress and the excellent free Weaver theme. We work with each one as we build out real client websites.

This course can be completed as quickly as you care to progress through it. As a benefit, the e-learner is provided 1 year post course completion access to this course including any updates that are made to the curriculum from the time of official enrollment.


You will learn:

  • To find where theme customizations are stored in WordPress
  • To find ways of implementing sliders
  • How to find sources for high-quality graphics that won't break the bank
  • How to use the WordPress security basics
  • How to create tables in WordPress


This course allows for self-directed work and does not require that you take a test. Apply what you have learned to your own projects.


Lesson 1: Intro to Themes

  • Introduction
  • How to Choose a Theme

Lesson 2: StudioPress Build

  • Outside Tour of Associate Theme
  • Inside Tour of Associate & Genesis Themes
  • Populating Home Page Widget Areas
  • Adding a Slider
  • Other StudioPress Examples

Lesson 3: Elegant Themes Build

  • Outside Tour of Elegant Themes Feather Theme
  • Inside Tour of Feather Theme
  • Populating the Home Page
  • Other Elegant Themes Examples

Lesson 4: WooThemes Build

  • WooThemes Fresh News Build
  • Other WooThemes Examples

Lesson 5: OptimizePress Build

  • Tour of OptimizePress
  • Creating a Squeeze Page
  • Creating a Sales Page

Lesson 6: Thesis Build

  • Thesis 1.8 or 2.0?
  • Thesis 1.8 Installation & Quick Tour
  • Adding Header & Navbar
  • Adding Meteor Slider
  • Adding Center-Page 4x2 Table
  • Adding Footer Widgets in Thesis

Lesson 7: CSS Styling

  • Firebug CSS Inspector Tool; Creating CSS Overrides

Lesson 8: Weaver Build

  • Weaver Theme Tour
  • Weaver Theme Options

Lesson 9: Responsive Themes

  • What is a Responsive Theme?